Big and small plans in life transcends into experiences; we try to combine living and design into a lifestyle, to devote into art and cultural events, to develop heartwarming handcrafted living designs, to achieve touching moments through the process. Casually sitting in The Alley, wander and imagine the ideal life, devour a cup of afternoon tea in a comfy setting, mesmerize in a springtime dreamlike the subtle delight of honey, such unspeakable snugness will soak through your heart via The Alley drink, it’s time for tea! A good cup of tea is hidden within each and every one’s heart. On that relaxing afternoon, bath in sunshine’s’ warmth, sprinkle by breezy wind, charmed by a lover’s smile, fulfilled by the pleasing aftertaste. Reminisce the touching satisfaction from that first cup of good tea, to share this delight with everyone, to keep up with this originality, give rise to “The Alley”.