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30th Annual Trout Lily Walk

Date: Feb 26, 2023
Time: 2:00 PM - 3:30 PM
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Tom Frey, regionally acclaimed naturalist and Society mentor, will be with us again for the 30th year. Stroll on our trails to find Tom at the Trout lily field. Trout lilies are one of the first plants to flower in the spring. The tiny flowers are only in bloom from about mid-February through mid-March. Then, they disappear until next year.

Come on Sunday, February 26, any time between 2:00 and 3:00 p.m.

When you arrive, volunteers at the pavilion will welcome you and give you introductory information. Then, we will send you along the clearly marked trail to the Trout lily field. Tom Frey, our adviser, mentor, and friend will be at the Trout lily field.

After you have seen the lilies and talked to Tom, you will walk along to the next marked spot, where we will have another knowledgeable naturalist that will tell you about the significance of that area of the Preserve. The volunteer naturalists will be at several stations along the trail from 2:00 until the last walkers go through.

This format helps solve the problem of so many folks in line on the walk that they can't hear the information. It also allows folks to go at their own pace rather than having to follow a group; no one gets impatient waiting for others to catch up and each can spend as much time at a station as they want. Some like to spend a lot of time taking photos and discussing the forest. Others like to hear just a little bit and then move on. With this walk format, it is your choice.

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